The HeliX Platform is deployed in the operator’s data center and technical sites, ensures maximum use of the bandwidth of the operator’s backbone network, optimizes the use of communication channels and has all the necessary tools to manage and monitor, diagnose and control all the processes that take place in the network.
By installing the HeliX Platform, the telecom operator gets an opportunity to provide HeliX Platform services on its behalf. The provided service packages are customizable according to the operator’s requirements and can differ from the VSAS HeliX World model packages.
If it is necessary to provide services to a subscriber who is outside the operator’s coverage area, OSAS has an opportunity to connect to the HeliX virtual network.
This capability significantly expands the coverage area of the telecom operator and allows it to connect its corporate users, far beyond the boundaries of its own coverage network.
OSAS solution for connecting Subscribers to the operator’s network.

OSAS solution to expand the operator’s network coverage in the corporate segment of Subscribers.

Optimisation of the basic structure of a telecom operator.

Optimisation (summation, redundancy) of backbone channels of telecom operator’s data centres.